Born during a global crisis, HeppCare is exploring the benefits of circus-based movement on wellness

Beginning 25th January 2024


Book your space today


8 week HeppCare course


Beginning 25th January 2024 * Book your space today * 8 week HeppCare course *

Did you know?

One in four people who have enquired for mental health treatment wait more than three months and one in nine wait for longer than six months.

We created HeppCare to provide you with easy access to the help you need - now.

A new form of therapy

Created in partnership with the NHS, our eight-week course was designed to research the links between mental health, coping mechanisms and the performing arts.


 Why HeppCare?

Developed in partnership with NHS NELFT and circus experts


Effective and efficient

Self-express through body physical activity under the supervision of experts


Tailored activities

Engage in the activities that suit your sensory preferences to maximise your benefit


No negative stigma

Self-express your traumatic experience and share it as a performance


Self-coping skills

Learn skills to cope with mental challenges in the future through self-expression

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Is it right for me?

You don’t need to have any previous experience of circus or the performing arts to partake in this programme. There are no physical requirements or limitations; we will work together with you to unlock what is possible.

At this moment, individuals undertaking HeppCare require a referral from the NHS or a GP, which follows an initial assessment session.